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I started past relationships with the belief that my partner would leave at some point. I knew it wouldn’t be me because I’m usually in for the long-haul, except that one relationship where she locked me and my friend up in her room and removed the key.  For some reason, I believed people will always leave. That they would find something to fault me on, that they would find something to blame me for and base that as their reason for leaving. In fact, I said it to most people I’ve dated: “I know you will leave one day. It won’t be me. It will be you”. And guess what? That’s exactly what ended up happening - they found something about me that made them leave.  You see, our words and beliefs are powerful. It is in our minds that we create the reality we eventually have. The stories we tell ourselves about what the future will be like is what informs the future we eventually have.  For all those years, I approached relationships from the perspective of fear - that people don’t

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